Detroit Arms, LLC
Michigan Court Ordered Firearm Safety Course
Michigan Court Ordered Firearm Safety Course
The Detroit Arms Michigan Court Ordered Firearm Safety Training Class is for any Michigan resident who has found themselves on the wrong side of the law when it comes to being a gun owner, whether you are a CPL holder or not, anywhere in the state of Michigan.
Your probation agreement, or a pretrial requirement for your weapon violation hearing, may require you to take a Pistol Safety or Firearm Safety Training course in order to have your firearms rights reinstated or to complete the terms of your court ordered probation.
The term Firearm Safety Training is a general term used as part of the probation training requirement for all Michigan Weapons Violations.
It applies to all firearms as well as tasers in the state of Michigan.
This class is done via a LIVE ZOOM webinar with a state of Michigan recognized USCCA Certified Instructor.
This one hour long class meets, and exceeds, the State of Michigan Requirement for firearm safety training.
- Michigan Firearms Laws
- No-Carry Zones
- Michigan Self Defense Laws
- The Use of Deadly Force
- Civil Liability Issues
- Basic Firearm Fundamentals & Safety
- Proper Storage
- Child Safety
- Safe Transportation
- Range Safety
- Q & A Session
A signed, personalized Certificate of Completion will be issued upon completion of the class, and will serve as a legal document proving your attendance and participation.
No actual firearms will be used in the completion of this course. It is purely an informational course designed to teach proper firearms ownership, usage and law.
Court Ordered Pistol Safety Training
Probation Gun Class
Weapons Violation Training
Pistol Safety Class
Probation Training Pistol Safety Class
Court Ordered Firearms Safety Class